Black-necked Stork

Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus

The Species

Black-necked Stork (scientific name: Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus) is a species of stork endemic to the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia and Australia (the only species of stork in Australia).

It has a conservation status of Near Threatened.

It is a large bird with a striking plumage characterised by black-and-white markings, and has a glossy-bluish black head and neck. It thrives in natural wetlands like freshwater marshes, swamps, lakes, floodplains and estuaries. The population of the Black-necked Stork is thinly and widely distributed, making it difficult to assess its conservation status. Environmental degradation is slowly edging out these birds. Recently a Black-necked Stork was found with its beak jammed by a rubber ring, and was rescued by Indian wildlife officials. A pair of Storks can bond and cohabit for several years.

Black-necked Stork

Role in Ecology

Storks are wading birds that help in facilitating the ecology of fresh water wetlands. They play a critical role in the food chain by consuming smaller species like invertebrates, amphibians and fish, thereby helping to maintain the balance in the populations of these species.

Importance of Biodiversity

Biodiversity (or Biological Diversity) is a term that describes the variety of living beings on earth, and includes diversity across species, within species, and across ecosystems. It is vital to maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. According to scientific estimates there are 8.7 million species on the planet.

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